..well I guess it`s personal to you and that`s ok.
Mine, if you don`t know, is `Comrades - the Down Run` - at the end of May.
Just to rewind a little bit. I had eased back my running in the last quarter of last year - mainly to recharge my batteries for this year. This gave me time to plan & plot this year`s campaign - a Down Run. I think I have plotted well.
Last year`s training was good - looking back I learnt what was good & what wasn`t and where I could improve things.
Ok so more longer slower runs and more hills needed. Everest is approx. 29,000 ft - and that`s my target - let`s see if I can `get up & down` Everest by the time I finish Comrades in May.
I also want more Cross Training so I`m doing something every day. I think 30 minutes minimum a day is ok. Everyone has 30 mins don't they??
So to the Scores on the Door...
Miles = 159.2 Miles
Time on Feet = 27 Hrs & 40 Mins (Ave 10:53 pace)
Elevation = 11,322 ft
Highest Weekly Run = 38.6 Miles
Longest Run = 22.9 Miles
Longest `Time On Your Feet` Run = 5hrs 35 mins (Winter Tanners 20)
Highest `Back To Back Day`s / Miles` = 4 Days / 33.4 Miles
Races = 5 (Tadworth Ten, Winter Tanners 20, TVXC League - Bracknell, SXC League - Manor Park Country Park & Stonehenge Stomp 30Km)
parkruns = 7
Yoga Sessions & hours = 3 off & 3 1/2 hrs (All Bikram yoga)
PT Sessions = 3
Sport Massages = 1
Bike Miles / Time = 36.3 Miles / 2hrs 47 mins.
Swim Sessions / Miles / Time = 3 off, 2.0 M & 1hr 33mins
Highlights - Has to be that my 1st Claim Club - Cove Joggers - have joined a Cross Country League (Southern XC). Ok I was running XC under my 2nd Claim Vest (Windle Valley) but now I get to do TWO leagues a year. #DoubleTheMud #DoubleTheFun
Conclusions - Great Month. Mixing it up & doing something everyday has helped. Without overdoing January has been the highest mileage since last May. Who knew that Cross Training helps the body recover??
Last Year`s January Blog
Here is January`s training....
Mix it up